4 signs WWE is pushing Cody Rhodes to be the next Triple H


 Cody Rhodes had a busy night on the latest episode of WWE RAW. The popular star was involved in the opening segment, the final segment, and a few segments throughout the three-hour program.

It makes sense for The American Nightmare to be featured, as he's one of the biggest stars in all of World Wrestling Entertainment. He sells a lot of merch, gets a huge reaction from the audience, and can even seemingly boost attendance figures.

Cody is obviously being pushed by WWE, even if some fans tricked themselves into believing that the company wasn't fond of Rhodes after he lost at WrestleMania 39. Based on how he's used, it's clear that's not the case. In fact, some are arguing that his push resembles that of a Hall of Famer.

Many are starting to believe that the promotion is pushing Cody as the new Triple H. While naturally, there is never going to be another Triple H, there are some similarities between Cody and The Game. This article will look at a handful of signs that could prove this theory to be correct.

Below are four signs WWE is pushing Cody Rhodes to be the next Triple H.

#4. Cody Rhodes' injury storyline is something Triple H actually experienced

A determined @CodyRhodes still wants a fight with @BrockLesnar this Saturday at #WWENOC ... and even let @TripleH know!

The story WWE is telling with Cody Rhodes on Monday Night RAW is fascinating. Almost one year to the day of The American Nightmare fighting Seth Rollins with a torn pec, he'll be fighting Brock Lesnar with a broken arm.

Of course, this is a story imitating real life, as the torn pec was an authentic injury while the broken arm is seemingly just storytelling. Still, it's a fun tale of art imitating life, but as the final segment on WWE RAW alluded to, it goes beyond comparisons to just Cody.

Triple H is known for suffering a handful of major injuries, including a torn quad. Despite his severe injury, he toughed it out and continued his matches until the end.

Cody is clearly being set up to tell the same exact story, only with a worked injury as opposed to a legitimate one.

#3. The American Nightmare and The Game share an elaborate entrance and finishing move

whether y’all like cody rhodes or not, you can’t deny the fact that he’s so over. that loud “whoa” pop gets me every single time.

The epic storyline is just one method WWE is using to replicate The Game's success with Cody Rhodes. Another is his presentation as he walks down the aisle and even in his matches.

For starters, Cody has an extremely elaborate entrance. While the origins of his entrance weren't in WWE, but instead in AEW, it has continued in World Wrestling Entertainment. The long yet exciting entrance is something Triple H was known for while he was an active competitor.

Beyond a rocking entrance with plenty of showmanship, they also share a finishing move. Cody Rhodes began using the Pedigree on the indies, seemingly as a shot against The Game, but he still uses it at times on RAW and during Premium Live Events. The company allowing him to use it is another sign pointing to their similar pushes.

#2. Cody Rhodes is being made the primary focus of WWE RAW, just as Triple H once was

Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes

The focus on Cody Rhodes' presentation goes beyond just what fans see, but also when they see it. Something many members of the WWE Universe don't often think about is formatting and how important it is.

With live television, especially one featuring dozens of stars, fans in attendance, commercial breaks, their own ads and video packages, etc., there's a lot that goes into a show's format. Everything is laid out meticulously and with purpose.

Cody Rhodes is almost always in a key segment on RAW. This means he either opens the show, closes the show, or appears at the top of the hour, such as at 9 PM EST. This is to hook fans to watch more of the show. Triple H was almost always slotted into similar key segments.

#1. They both had to struggle to get to the top

Cody Rhodes & Triple H

Cody Rhodes & Triple H

The other thread that binds Triple H and Cody Rhodes is that both had some tough times early in their WWE careers before breaking out and getting a massive push. While their issues were different, they were both frustrating.

Cody has openly complained about his time as Stardust while also showing frustration with not moving up the card in WWE. Meanwhile, Triple H spent month after month losing as punishment for the infamous Curtain Call incident. At those points, nobody would have ever foreseen either going on to be top stars. Yet both overcame the odds.

Of course, Cody Rhodes won't ever actually be the new Triple H. He's the first Cody Rhodes, and that's just as good. Still, there are definitely similarities between the two and how both are presented.


Thanks for reading 4 signs WWE is pushing Cody Rhodes to be the next Triple H

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